It's My Blog-Day And I'll Give If I Want To!

On June 30, 2011 my little blog turns one year old!! The grow up so fast, don't they? 

It seems like just yesterday that I did my first blog post here on my new baby blog site.  I was nervous and excited to start writing about all sorts of stuff from recipes, to my new (at the time) decorative painting business, to posting pictures... lots and lots of pictures.  Who knew I would love every aspect of my little baby blog and it would be such an extension of who I am?  Words can not express the pride I feel in this little blog that could.

Having said that, in the past year I've learned so much about blogging from some really talented fellow bloggers and yet I know I still have a long way to go regarding certain aspects.  I've never claimed to be a great writer, or photographer for that matter, so I appreciate all of you who have hung in there with me as I have cut my teeth on this blog. 

All in all, I started this just for fun and to document things that were happening in my life in regards to home,  family, paintings and life in general at the time.  Life moves so quickly and I felt I needed to mark my little place in the world.  In that aspect, I feel hugely successful and look forward to where and when my next inspiration will come from and what tomorrow will bring.

Which brings me to the reason for this particular post...I made you something that I hope you'll love.

It's because of readers like you (yes you), that have supported me in so many different ways and with such lovely and encouraging words that I feel I'd like to give YOU a gift on my special one year blog-iversary.

Now, close your eyes, scroll down a bit, and hold out your hands.....

OK, now you can open your eyes......I hope you weren't cheating but actually if you read that, you're eyes weren't really closed now, were they? Well,  that's OK, I'll let it slide because I like you ;)

TA-DA!!!  I painted this set of 4 multi-colored daisy wine glasses just for one lucky winner and I hope it's YOU!  It's my way of saying THANKS for always being here, for being so kind, for reading my words, for taking the time to comment and for hopefully enjoying what I have to show and tell.

Here's some mod shots for your visual enjoyment:

Now here's all you have to do to be eligible to win this fabulous set of one-of-a-kind hand painted wine glasses.

Johnny, please read them all the rules and regulations...

For each item below that you take part in, you'll have that many more entries to win.

-Tweet about this giveaway on twitter and link back to this post
-Follow @kudoskitchen on twitter
-Become a Kudos Kitchen page *liker* on facebook
-IMPORTANT! You MUST leave a comment on this blog, or on facebook, letting me know why you'd like to win this fabulous giveaway and how many other contest items you've participated in. Otherwise, how will I know you're interested in winning?  No comment, no winner.
-Recruit your friends and family to become *likers* on facebook too.
-Visit my new Etsy shop and let me know what you think of the shop and if you have any suggestions for improvement and/or design ideas for future tiles or glassware
-Bonus entries go to anybody who discovers and/or stumbles this post.
-Additional Bonus entries goes to anybody who pins these glasses on Pinterest
-Flap your arms and squawk like a chicken  (Haha, just seeing if you're still paying attention)

That's it. Pretty easy right?  This prize is valued at approximately $80 and each glass is signed and dated by the artist.  Me. Renée (aka Kudos Kitchen)

This contest is now closed! Congratulations to the winner:  Mama Skates    I will be in contact soon to get your shipping address.  Thank you to all who entered :)

This contest ends on my exact blog-ivarsary,  Thursday June 30, 2011 and the winner will be announced sometime after 5:00 pm central daylight time, here and on facebook. These glasses will be shipped free of charge as soon as the winner, and the winners address, is determined.  This contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I hope I've made this contest easy and enjoyable and something you will hopefully find fun and interesting enough to play for.  If you have any questions or if I've made anything confusing (my middle name) please don't hesitate to ask away.  I'll be happy to clarify what my thought process was (ummmm...)

Good luck! I hope you have a burning desire to win!!!
Thanks for visiting,

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