Napkin and Fabric Storage Solution

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

I wish I were a more organized person by nature. In my perfect world (only in my head, mind you) you could open up any random closet or cabinet in my home and find everything neatly put away and in it's proper place. Much like my mom and her neatly organized home and life.

Unfortunately, the apple (me) fell from the tree (my mom) and rolled down the steep hill only to land in a pile of leaves and debris a few blocks away. That old saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" doesn't exactly apply to me. And the old adage "A place for everything, and everything in its place" seems more like a fairy tale than an actual way of life (much to my chagrin).

However in my defense, and I do have one here (I wouldn't bare my soul without having a well thought out excuse for being a train wreck), is that I always have about 3-4 (sometimes more) projects going on in my life on any given day of the week, at any given time. Running two full-time home-based businesses takes its toll on keeping my home as neat and organized as I would like.

From my kitchen being constantly overrun with recipes (in process), to piles of dirty dishes in the sink, to the clean dishes in the dishwasher that need to be put away. To the never ending stream of paperwork and blog posting schedules, web shop maintenance and customer service, commitments and correspondence that leave magazines, cookbooks, notes and pages strewn all about my kitchen table, countertop, and desk all in some crazy attempt at trying to stay organized and on top of it all. Pfffft.

Then there's my painted glassware business. Along with my daily cooking/baking schedule, there are any number of glassware items on my kitchen table in various stages of completion most days of the week. I'll sit and design in between cooking and baking, computer work, and social media that is such an integral part of running a successful blog and business. The art of "being found" doesn't just happen you know.

And this doesn't even include the laundry that is always calling my name, a house that seems to be growing smaller everyday, trying to fit in some sort of daily exercise program, and our three dogs that crave my attention every chance they get and get very disappointed if their mama is too busy to play with them for at least a little while each day. Oh the guilt!

Not to mention my makeshift photography studio (that also doubles as my packing station) that sits out almost constantly with multitudes of items waiting for me to photograph/or ship on a daily basis.

From painted wine glasses, mugs, and bowls, to shipping boxes, bubble wrap and foam sheets, From plates of food, to hot loaves of fresh homemade breads, to cookies, cakes and candies.. and all the photography props that go along with them. Napkins included!

FINALLY, we get to the reason for the post at hand!!! Hallelujah! I bet you thought I'd never get to the point. LOL

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

When able, I'm thrilled to have a tiny bit of organization in my world that makes my life at home just a little easier to handle, and my mind a little less freaked out. That's what this napkin and fabric storage solution does for me, and maybe it can help you too. At least I hope so.

These file baskets couldn't be easier to assemble. First and most important is to find a basket/baskets that are tall enough to house a file folder frame. You know the ones. They're made of metal and stand about 12" tall. You can purchase them from any office supply store. What's so nice about them is that they can be scaled down in length (if needed), by the simple use of pliers. However, the height can not be adjusted which is why you need to be mindful of this when you look for your storage basket or container.

Next you'll need the hanging file folders that (most likely) will come with your file frame, along with some additional ones depending on how many napkins or fabric swatches you need to store. My
baskets are packed with approximately 30 napkins per basket, and I have 3 baskets.

Ha Ha! If you look closely at the next photo, you'll spy Ivy and Nutmeg on their bed in the background. Cracks me up!

All you do next is fit the file frame into the basket or box and place the hanging file folders on the frame. Drape your napkins or fabric over the file folders you you've got yourself a nifty new and organized way to store your things without them becoming a wrinkled mess.

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

Speaking of not wanting a wrinkled mess, I've decided that I'm also going to keep a bottle of wrinkle release in with my napkins so I don't have to go running around looking for it when, and if, I need it. I know, pretty smart of me, huh?

If you're a food blogger (like me) or crafter who collects fabrics for sewing projects, this basket filing system is a great way to store and organize your napkins and swatches.

This new system of having my napkins all neat or orderly has given me a renewed sense of purpose and organization. So much so that I've been spending a lot of time on ordering all sorts of items that I think will help me get my busy life neat and organized. Now, if I can just find someone to come over and do it for me I'll be all set...LOL!

Kudos Kitchen by Renée ~ Where food, art and organization collide on a regular basis!

Take care everyone!
Until we organize again,

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