Blood Suckers

Blood Suckers Recipe

Believe it or not, I'd never been one for a "blood and guts" Halloween. That is... not until I starting blogging! After that I'd realized how much fun it actually is to come up with really gross ideas that surprise, delight and creep people out!

This year I feel the need to come up with a few ideas that will rival (or top) last year's RAT LOAF recipe.  If you haven't seen my rat loaf, you really must check out how much fun I had last year during the Halloween season.  See, I told you I was moving over to the dark side. LOL   But I digress... Back to my "Blood Suckers".

I was wandering around Michael's Art's and Craft store yesterday  (hoping to be inspired) when this idea popped into my head.  I immediately became so excited that I rushed home to make them right away.  The best part about this recipe is that you will most likely have all the ingredients in your pantry already.  Just like I did.

Here is the check list of what you'll need:

Cookie Sheet
Parchment Paper
Sucker Sticks
Red Food Coloring

Here is the list of ingredients and the step by step process I used to make these little


1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup light corn syrup
2 teaspoons lemon extract

-In a medium saucepan, combine all the ingredients and bring to a rolling boil over medium high heat, stirring often.
-Continue boiling and stirring for a full and complete 15-20 minutes until your sugar mixture thickens and begins to change color to a golden amber color.  This is also know as the hard crack stage.  You can use a candy thermometer to insure this stage, but I accidentally broke mine last year and have forgotten to replace it.
-When your sugar has reached the desired consistency and color, remove from the heat.
-CAUTIOUSLY, add the lemon extract to the pot.  The addition of the lemon extract will make the sugar spit and sputter so STAND BACK as you first add it.
-Stir your mixture immediately and transfer it CAREFULLY to a smaller device with a pour spout.
*NOTE - While working with boiling sugar syrup, you should always have a bowl of ice water handy in case of any accidental burns.
-Arrange your sucker sticks on your parchment lined cookie sheet.
-Carefully pour your sugar mixture in a pool on the top of each sucker stick.
-Take the red food coloring and add it by drops onto your prepared sucker.
-Working quickly and using a straw, blow the food color gently around the sucker top to make it spread and drip.
-Allow your suckers to sit until the sugar is set and firm.

Blood Sucker Recipe

Here's the best part... You are now ready for TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!

The treat: a luscious lemon sucker.

The trick:  Anyone who eats one will be cursed with a *blood stained* mouth.  Is that so wrong?



I'm linking this post to Fusion Friday over at Jane Deere Blog

Also to I'm Lovin' It Fridays over at Tidy Mom

Until we eat again,

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