Pineapple, Grape and Watermelon Smoothie

The good news: In October, I'm coming up on my two-year anniversary of having quit smoking.  The bad news: I packed on pretty much additional weight in the process. 

We've all heard the saying "pick your battles" and that's exactly what I did.  The quitting smoking battle was, and has been, a long hard fight!  I came out of it a bit battered and bruised but still stronger in so many ways.

Now it's time for me to wage another battle of epic proportions.  The battle of the bulge! I know it won't happen over night and that I'm probably looking at many, many months before I reach my goal, but it's a journey I'm now ready to take. 

On July 5th, I officially started my healthy eating and smaller portions plan.  I'm also incorporating plenty of water and exercise as a part of my daily routine.  Good thing for me, I love my fruits and veggies and always have.  Now skipping breakfast is NOT an option.  Here's a good breakfast that will pack in all sorts of delicious fruits and get your day started off in a wonderfully nutritious direction:

                   Pineapple Grape and Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

In a blender, add red seedless grapes, pineapple chunks, watermelon chunks and approximately 3/4 cup of almond milk.. Blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Now let's see if I can attack this portion control thing and kick it in the butt!  I'm off for a little cardio...

Enjoy your day!

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