Beer Chicken and Herbs

I've always liked the 'concept' of beer can chicken. You know the one. The one where you insert an open can of beer in the cavity of said chicken and then you prop the guy up in the oven, or on the grill? Yeah, that beer can chicken.  The reason I've always like the 'concept', but have never tried the method is because I'm afraid the poor chicken will get so tipsy, with all that beer shoved in his can, that he'll fall over and make a huge mess. Well,  I've adapted this method with some very delicious results. This particular time, I made him on the grill.  I'll even show my trick for turning my out backyard grill into my outdoor oven.  You love this idea!

First I cover a roasting pan with several layers of heavy duty aluminum foil.  This keeps the pan clean from any soot build up that roasting on the grill will cause to the pan.   In the bottom of my pan, I add an assortment of fresh herbs from my garden.  This time I chose rosemary, sage and thyme.  At this point you can place the chicken on top of the herbs in the pan and pour an entire can of beer (your choice of brand) over the chicken and in the cavity. Then drizzle a liberal amount of olive oil on the outside of the chicken and season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.



Head outside to preheat your grill. While your grill is coming to temperature, place two bricks, side by side, on the grill grate.  When your grill is properly preheated (350 degrees if it has a thermometer), place your pan of chicken on top of the two bricks and close the grill cover.  The addition of the bricks will keep your grill temperature even and also elevate your food from the direct heat, making a more "oven like" cooking method with even heat distribution around the pan, and no 'hot spots'.  See? I told you you'd like this idea!   It works wonders!


After your chicken is nice and browned, but not fully cooked through, cover the entire pan with aluminum foil and continue cooking the chicken until the internal temperature at the thickest part of the thigh meat reaches 180 degrees.  Remove from the grill and leave covered to rest for 10-15 minutes before carving.


Here's our little baby now.  Moist and meaty, succulent and delicious.  Can't think of a better comfort food than roast chicken.  Imagine how good this little sweetie will make your house smell during the fall and winter months too.  But for now, the outdoor grill the the way to go.  I hope you enjoyed this method and will give it a try at your house soon.  Enjoy and... Let's Eat!


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